Wednesday, 12 December 2007


It's even worse than brainstorming to solve silly Add. Maths. questions
Choosing the RIGHT institute for my tertiery education really splits my brains apart
Selecting the RIGHT course is tougher than squeezing brain juices

Time range of course is my consideration
Financial aid and scholarships are my beloved

5-year study of the same course at 2 different institutes
1 costs me a great bomb but gives me a Master degree
1 separates me from financial worries but can only give me a Honours degree

Who can help me to decide?

4 tippaniyam:

Njui said...

wat course u want to study?
mayb u study the honour degree first then only tukar sekolah, can de mah? wat school r they?

OrAnge-wAsAbI said...

One is Taylor's, the other one is UTAR. UTAR's fees are very cheap, but Taylor's, you know la, damn expensive, and the scholarship they offer only covers a small part of the total fees. I'm thinking of studying either civil engineering / quantity surveying / accounting.

kingston said... personal opinion only...take civil engineering or accounting...not QS......Lolx...

Cause i got relative studying QS in local U..

OrAnge-wAsAbI said...

Kingston, wat do your relatives say about QS?

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